P3 Risk and Insurance Management
We work for both project owners, public or private partners, and, often, their financiers.
The role of bonding and insurance in a Private Public Partnership is of paramount importance to everyone, including both Partners and the Lenders. P3’s have risk allocation and cost issues not found in shorter design, construction and maintenance contracts. Getting the right balance between security and cost is vital, because that balance will need to last for twenty or thirty years.
Sigma Risk has considerable knowledge and experience on P3 risk and insurance. We’ve conducted P3 insurance assignments in transportation, marine, health care and office complex infrastructure. Our knowledge extends to both the P3 risk itself, and the available and customary P3 bonding and insurance products and rates in Canada and the US. That allows an objective evaluation of the benefit-cost of each insurance for the specific risks of the P3.
We are also familiar with the various flowthrough, benchmarking and other contingency models in use for allocating and sharing insurance premium risk as between stakeholders.